What drives me

I enjoy problem solving and
creating something impactful to others.

My past experiences made me great at integrating into teams, adapting quickly and being flexible in how I accomplish my goals. I get to apply all of those traits as a developer.

I take pride in knowing my peers and leadership trust and depend on me due to my work ethic and professionalism. I also enjoy finding opportunities to mentor others.

Core Competencies

Currently I specialize in the MERN stack of MongoDB, Express, React and Node.js but I'm eager to incorporate new technologies into my projects and expand my skill set.

  • MERN Stack Developer
  • Organized | Self Disciplined
  • JavaScript | React | HTML | CSS
  • Adaptability | Management
  • JSON | APIs | Mongoose | Git | ES6
  • Leadership | Team Integration

A Few Accomplishments

Below are a list of projects I've built recently, ordered by difficulty. Front End, Full Stack and Full Stack with User Authentication.

All built on the MERN stack.

Weather App

A Front End project that integrates an online API which enables users to access up to date weather information easily.

Grocery Store Inventory

A Full Stack project meant to mimic the system a grocery store might use to track and manage their daily inventory.

Life Hack Forum

This Full Stack project employs User Authentication that allows users to post their life hacks or view life hacks from others, and add comments or likes.

Contact Me

Please use this form to reach out with job opportunities, invitations to collaborate or even if you have a coding question.